Great work!
Very well done! I've always love Claymation, but also find it slightly disturbing for some reason.
Great work!
Very well done! I've always love Claymation, but also find it slightly disturbing for some reason.
A very different concept of the other side for sure. I thought things tied together well, but the ending was a tad Cliche X3..I also liked the anime reference...I assume it was either leaning twords Death Note or Bleach :P?
Awesome animation!
Furious noodle eating should be a new Pico-Day tradition!
SWEET STATUTORY! I think my eyes are bleeding. Great animation, though.
It's beyond me why submissions that are simply copies of Egoraptor's style and humor make front page and get good ratings...I'm even more shocked as to why Egoraptor doesn't have a problem with it, 'specially when the only inkling to the fact that this is a copy of his style is the title of the flash.
Uh... it was MEANT to be like "ego's style and humor" hence the Awesome in the title, and the obvious ending. And i doubt he has a problem with it, he's not a bitter old man who thinks he's the inventor of videogameparodies. or whatever. It was fun.
I enjoyed it.
I almost busted a gut when he rocketed that floozy out of the airlock and then gave the cam a thumbs up. I really liked this one, as with most of your work, Harry.
Keep it up :D!
Good Animation.
I saw This is Jerry a long time ago, and at the start of this I said to myself "Wait, didn't I already see this flash?" Then I realized it was the same style as This is Jerry, just from the perspective of the girl (*Bonks self on head*) he kept sleeping with in the animation. All and all, I thought it was good. You have a smooth and unique cartoony style, and the humor was well played out- The story itself was pretty sad until the end; Made me chuckle :D! Hope to see more work by you soon!
Well, shit...
I just got Rorschach-rolled.
Age 93, Male
Joined on 2/8/06